Pond and Garden Nursery
792 - 9141
In Sonoma County, beautiful northern California - 6225 Stony Point Rd - corner hwy 116 and Stony Point, Cotati, 94931
Serving Sonoma County for 15 years !
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Hostas are extremely popular, hardy herbaceous perennials grown primarily for their beautiful foliage. They are easy to grow, shade-tolerant plants.  The plants are low maintenance and are widely available in nurseries and garden centers.
Hostas originally came from Japan, China, and Korea. They were first introduced to Europe in the late 1700s and then came to the United States in the middle 1800s.
A hosta plant generally reaches full maturity in 4-8 years. The final size and shape depend on the variety, or cultivar. Many have been developed for specific features such as size, leaf color, variegation, pest resistance, etc.
Paul's Glory
Corralitos Moon
El Nino
Remember Me
Orange Marmalade

'Queen Josephine'

'Paul's Glory'
'El Nino'
'Remember Me'
'Orange Marmalade'
Queen Josphine

'Corralitos Moon'

Hostas on Shelves
Pond and Garden Nursery has a truely amazing collection of hostas, big and small.
You'd be hard pressed to find a better selection of hostas in all of Sonoma County.
There are more than 4,000 different cultivated varieties of hostas on the market today.
Copyright  2007-2010 by Pond and Garden Nursery -  All Rights Reserved       Contact: info@pondandgardennursery.com
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maple leaf
maple leaf
maple leaf
maple leaf