Pond and Garden Nursery
792 - 9141
In Sonoma County, beautiful northern California - 6225 Stony Point Rd - corner hwy 116 and Stony Point, Cotati, 94931
Serving Sonoma County for 15 years !
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Amongst the plants and ponds in our nursery, you will find beautiful iron sculptures, waterfalls, fountains, and other works of art by local Sonoma County Artists.

John Lamos

Crickett Seagull

Susandra Spicer

Mike Ingle

As you enter the parking lot of Pond and Garden Nursery, some of the first things you will notice are the waterfalls and sculptures with 'disappearing' fountains.

Many of these, as well as the striking concrete and the replicated rockscapes throughout the nursery are works of John Lamos, of JML Studios

John's experience in sculpture, water features and commercial specialty theme design spans 20 years.
Susandra Spicer's work presents a unique blend strength and grace.

Her work is in metal or mixed media and ranges in size (from small to more monumental scale).
It can be wall-hung or free-standing (for display on shelf/table/pedestal, on the ground or raised on a base or pole).

Susandra says "I am a sculptor who has focused on the reuse of 'found objects', using society’s discards to make abstract assemblage sculpture.
This makes me a collector and match-maker of abandoned artifacts."

Check out her website:
Mike Ingle - Garden Sun
John Lamos Pavers
John Lamos Arch
John Lamos panel-bowl fountain
John Lamos Panels
by Crickett Seagull
Crickett Seagull fiddle player
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Susandra Spicer - 'Simplicity'
Susandra Spicer - 'Portal'
Susandra Spicer - 'Release'


Mike Ingle - Garden Wheel
Cricket Seagull Sculpture